(Teen-i-ma) is a Galacian word for service. We are the House of Generosity. Our motto is “not for ourselves alone are we born.” Our house helps make our classes, our school, and our community a stronger collective unit by reaching out and helping those around us. Our color is blue: the color of peace and harmony. Our primary symbol is the star. One star can shine bright, but by sharing our light with others, we can light up the heavens with an infinite number of dazzling lights. We are also represented by the Olive Branch. This has long been known as a symbol of peace or victory. Our primary animal is the elephant. This animal has spent its life being known for its strength and service to others. Our secondary animal is the sparrow symbolizing protection and joy. This animal derives its power and protection from its strength in numbers. Our house quote is from Winston Churchill which states “we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give.” Teenima for LIFE!