Synergi emphasizes teamwork and community. We are the gray house: To make the color gray, one must combine black and white. Alternatively, one may blend equal parts red, blue, and yellow. Each technique for making gray requires using other colors. Gray personifies synergy.
Anytime one uses his or her talents or skills for the benefit of the group, he or she is practicing synergy. The motto for Synergi is Better Together. Our symbol, the gear, represents how people must work in harmony to reach success. Like the gears in a machine, house members fit together--each doing his or her part. If one gear is missing, the machine doesn’t work. Every house member is a valued, vital part of the family.
Our secondary animal is the meerkat, an animal that by its very nature has adapted over time to play different roles inside its community. Our primary animal is the honey bee. “When was ever honey made with one bee in a hive?”